Celebrity interviews


Alexander Skarsgård

Elle magazine (UK)

November 1, 2011


Alexander Skarsgård has a message for you, ELLE readers: ‘Tell them I will marry them all,’ the 35-year-0ld Swedish-born actor says, grinning. We are in the buzzing restaurant of the New York’s Bowery Hotel and his eyes are swivelling from one pair of slim young legs to another. A few days earlier, the man most famous (so far) for playing Eric Northman in True Blood was reportedly sighted in a bar with a blonde one one arm and a brunette on the other. Single since he broke up with actress Kate Bosworth in July – his co-star in new movie Straw Dogs, a remake of Sam Pekinpah’s violent 1971 film about a metropolitan couple attacked by villagers – Skarsgård is giving every indication of being a player.

He is startlingly good-looking. Short brown-blond floppy hair, grey eyes and pearly, perfect teeth, his 6ft 4in frame is clad in a pec-and-bicep-hugging T-shirt with tight black pyjama bottoms: very Nordic, indupitably hot. He admits enjoying ‘a lot of attention’ from women, but insists it’s a distraction, not the main event. ‘It’s important not to focus on that. I have lunch with a friend and the next day I read we’re engaged.’


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