Feature writing

Royal news

‘Pegging’ sets the internet alight, just in time for the weekend

The Daily Beast

July 29, 2022

Take one gossip item about an alleged royal’s bedroom activities, a sex act that Dan Savage first helped coin a name for 21 years ago, and watch the internet catch light.

The world, we are all acutely aware, lost its innocence some time ago. As soon as something is new, it is consumed by us human jackals online and off, talked about endlessly, new angles and snark devoured in a matter of minutes in the manner of piranha discovering a fresh human leg. Adam and Eve couldn’t say no to that damn apple, and here we are.

Until this week! This week, where once there was ignorance there are the collective, bright, shining eyes of discovery. The world has apparently found out about “pegging”! Pegging has united people in a moment of “Oh, that’s what that means”—unless you’re Dan Savage or a reader of his or someone who has been pegging away happily enough with their partner/s, in which case you’re rolling your eyes at the basic-ness of it all.

“What term, from this day forward, will be the commonly accepted slang for a woman fucking a man in the ass with a strap-on dildo?” Savage asked his “Savage Love” readers 21 years ago.

“Pegging” came forth the answer.

The neologism has returned to the public square as the sexual act at the center of a widely shared blind gossip item posted on DeuxMoi. The item claims an unnamed, heterosexual member of the royal family is into this particular sexual activity. The blind gossip item says this royal’s extramarital affair is an “open secret in London and amongst the English aristo set, and is the talk of every party and newsdesk.”

How very Bridgerton, and Lady Whistledown!

“At a recent media party,” the item author says, “I was told the real reason for the affair was the royal’s love of pegging, which the wife is far too old fashioned to engage in. The wife doesn’t mind her, and in fact prefers her husband getting his sexual needs fulfilled elsewhere, as long as things don’t become emotional, which was the case with the last woman.”

Online, “pegging” is trending, as is “#PrinceOfPegging,” as the internet sparks into fevered life, speculating about who the royal is and who is getting it—as Emily Lloyd’s character once joyfully shouted out to all the neighbors in the movie Wish You Were Here–“Up yer bum!”

Pegging has featured in scenes in TV shows such as Broad City and The Bold Type. There are many informative articles about the safest and most pleasurable ways for people to engage in it a click away. Since 2001, according to sex educator Luna Matatas in an article for Refinery 29, the definition of pegging has expanded to escape its original hetero gender binary. “We know that anyone, even people with penises, can strap on [a dildo] and anyone, even people without penises, can receive strap-on play.”

The message: Anyone can peg now! Peg away, peggers!

The Independent has provided a helpful how-to guide for consensual, pleasurable pegging for those with a dildo, some lubricant, and some time to explore this weekend. And whatever fun is had out there, well done to the mystery, allegedly “pegging” royal! You have made the monarchy cool—briefly—once more.